5 Things Men Want In Relationship.

5 Things Men Want In Relationship. 

Often Men are hesitant in talking about their needs when in a relationship. It could be there social conditioning or inability to speak about needs. 

Some men who tend to be less communicative with their intimate partners are likely to be suffering silently when their needs aren't fulfilled by their respective partners. 

Irrespective of being men or women reading this article you will surely get a clearer picture of what you / partner wants in your or their intimate relationship.

This tips will help you change the way you look at your relationship.

Here are 5 Things Men Want In Relationship.

1. Respect

Men take respect as Love.

If we feel that our partner does not appreciate what we do, the things that make us who we are when we find it hard to keep up with trust and bond with our partners.

The basic thought process we go through is that if my partner doesn't appreciate what I am at my core how can she want what's best for me?

This is when men find ways to distance themselves from their partners.

2. Praise & Approval

Let me admit yes we men have tender egos.

We do need reassurances frequently about the things we do, our work/carrier appreciation of our sexual prowess and above all our appearances.

Men do love hearing verbal praises from their partner but not as much as women do. Anything that keeps your relationship healthier and stronger then why not to do?

So ladies tell your man all the good things exactly the way you think of them. Tell what attracts you towards him his appearances/work/passion/carrier anything.

3. Emotional Intimacy.

From early childhood, men are thought to be tough. One thing I have heard growing up that "Real men never cry". So you will always find men reluctant in showing their weakness, fear, concern or even expressing fear or self-doubt.

It's our partner which is a safe haven for us and shows the crack in our armor. A man always makes sure if he cries in front of his partner she should not push him away or handle him poorly. Doing so men feel a lack of emotional intimacy and slowly he will pull out a part of him from the relationship.

Just like women take time to open up sexually in a relationship we do take time to open emotionally.

In this either party's losses and men feel left alone emotionally suffering believing being flawed with an imperfect relationship. 

4. A Sense of Sexual Connection

It is the sexual communication that connects both men and women but in general terms, women connect much better via verbal communication whereas men do with sex.

The above statement doesn't mean that men are always ready to jump on the bed and to get the attention he demands to have sex every day. Not at all.

Let me explain men drive as much pleasure as having sex even with sexual indicators. He will initiate sex just to ensure that his partner is equally interested in him sexually and that is enough for him. So next time when a man comes closer to you make him fell by reciprocating give me a tight hug, kissing him deeply.

5. Space

Sometimes in order to resolve issues we men liked to be alone. We tend to develop our own cocoon and like to isolate ourselves from the world.

It's our own way of dealing with our problems it's like meditation where we try to figure the light in the darkness. This is the space that we expect to be given to us by our partners and not wander around us constantly asking for the reason. We do admire the concern but it is what it is.

So my ladies readers if your partner shows little interest in conversation and isolates himself temporarily gives him his space.

So if you are a man reading this article hope I mentioned our key points for better understanding of our other half and if you a lady hope  you now have a better clue about your man.

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