Testosterone Booster - A New Rising Concern for Men's Health

Testosterone Booster - A New Rising Concern for Men's Health

A new study recently came up alarming the rising concern for Men considering for Testosterone Booster Therapy it could double the risk of life-threatening blood clot says the study.

For men who have been receiving Testosterone therapy within the past six months may be at twice at the risk of developing deep vein blood clot says Researchers from the online edition of Jama Internal Medicine.

The fining showed that irrespective of whether or not a man has low testosterone level also known as hypogonadism the risk occurred more in the middle-aged group compared to the senior age group.

Lead Author Rob Walker said that men now need to reconsider going for the testosterone treatment to fight against the normal sign of aging. Rob Walker is a graduate research assistant at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, Minneapolis.

"If a potential patient reads this and maybe is seeking out testosterone therapy for some kind of common symptoms, like weight gain or sexual function, maybe they should seek out behavioral changes or lifestyle changes that will improve their health without a prescription," Walker said.

In the early 21st century, The "Low-T" Fad caused testosterone prescriptions to rise tremendously increasing further around 300% during 2001 and 2013. said the study authors during background notes.

After receiving a warning from the US Food and Drug Administration which alarmed the increased risk of heart attack and stroke the numbers of FAD came down in 2014.

In 2016 Over 1 million over 30 age groups had received the treatment observed the researchers. This treatment is still prescribed for people who don't suffer from hypogonadism. Hypogonadism is a condition in which the body isn't producing enough male hormones.

In order to investigate further Walker and his team also analyzed the insurance claim of almost 40000 men made between 2011 to 2017. Investigators mainly focused on men who have to experience pulmonary embolism or thrombosis. Pulmonary occurs breaking free deep vein clots and traveling into lungs blocking part or all of their body supply.

For men who are on treatment but do not suffer from low testosterone conditions are 2.3 times at higher risk of deep vein clot within six months whereas men who are experiencing are at twice the risk.

"In men without hypogonadism, men under 65 almost had a tripling of risk versus men 65 years and older, whose risk was only about 1.5 times greater," Walker said.

Dr.Umesh Gidwani said," Testosterone poses this risk because it revs up the consistency of the clotting factors in the blood," Dr.Gidwani is an associate professor at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City.

Adding further he said," The Hormone increases the red blood cell, which thickens the blood and makes it flow sluggishly."  

The Study"seems to suggest it would be safer to refrain from testosterone use in patients who do not have hypogonadism," Gidwani said.

Men who must receive the treatment should be closely watched and monitored for the formation of any blood clot, agreed Walker.

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